Benefits, Effects, & Uses of THC Cannabis Oil

benefits of cannabis oil

Our weed oil guide breaks down various possible effects of THC oil on the body and mind. Many people mistakenly think that weed today is weaker than the weed of a few generations ago, but the truth is that marijuana is more vital than ever before. Legalizing marijuana use means that marijuana research can be fully funded and vetted. The Research Centre for Cannabis at McGill University is one of the research firms currently exploring the untapped benefits of marijuana. Here at BC Weed Delivery, we are more than happy to offer our THC Cannabis Oil guide, so keep reading!


THC Oil Effects

THC quickly enters the body. It can create a woozy, giddy feeling when first entering the body. THC consumption dilates the pupils, so colours seem more saturated.

THC binds to receptors in the brain and temporarily blocks neurotransmitters in your cerebellum. The cerebellum is where our coordination responses lie, so this is why coordination decreases when you are high. 

There are various receptors throughout the brain that can receive cannabinoids. Receptors in the basal ganglia and hippocampus are susceptible to cannabinoids. The hippocampus is where our short-term memory is stored, so this is why you are forgetful when you are high. Cannabinoids temporarily block the necessary receptors for memory recall.

THC Oil Effects

Various Effects of THC Oil:

  • Stress Relief
  • Increased Focus 
  • Increased Happiness
  • Enhanced Mood
  • Creative Inspiration
  • Increased Appetite
  • Increased Energy
  • Laughter
  • Feelings of Euphoria


The Medical Benefits of THC Oil

We want to share our weed oil guide’s fun and relaxing benefits, but weed oil is not just for recreational use. THC oil or weed oil is used across all spectrums of the medical field. Since legalization, many seniors have been using THC oil. It has a host of medical benefits, including relieving arthritis pain and helping manage diabetes. These are two things that seniors have more than any other age group, so it makes sense that we’ve seen an uptick in seniors’ use of weed oil. Conversely, teen use has gone down

Fights Inflammation

THC connects with receptors in the brain, which help reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the root of many conditions, such as autoimmune disorders. THC can also help calm overactive oil glands on the face and reduce acne breakouts.


Reduces Seizures

Recent studies show that cannabis concentrates can reduce the number of seizures for a person with epilepsy. With the guidance of your doctor, weed oil may be an effective way to control your epilepsy.


Helps Anxiety

Cannabis concentrates were shown to decrease stress and anxiety levels in a 2019 study. This study featured 72 individuals suffering from insomnia and anxiety. While using weed extracts, 79% of the 72 participants slept better with fewer side effects.


Relieves Pain

People living with Arthritis, cancer patients, and many other individuals find pain relief with THC oil. Many medical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis are lifelong and come with debilitating chronic pain. Weed oil can help these people manage their pain and improve their quality of life.


Counterbalances Chemotherapy Effects

Cancer patients undergoing chemo may have a reduced appetite, interrupted sleep, and nausea or vomiting. THC oil can help these patients manage their nausea, increase appetite, and get better quality sleep. 


Helps with Diabetes

THC helps maintain glucose levels. THC has also been shown to increase circulation and lower blood pressure, two common issues for people with diabetes. 


Slows Alzheimer’s 

Alzheimer’s is associated with inflammation in the brain. THC is an anti-inflammatory, so it can help slow the progression of the disease.


Other Diseases / Disorders THC Oil Can Help

  • PTSD
  • Glaucoma
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Movement Disorders
  • Alcoholism and Addiction
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Depression

Possible Side Effects from THC Oil:

Red or Bloodshot Eyes – use in the privacy of your home and use eye drops if needed.

Dry Mouth – THC inhibits saliva production, so your mouth may feel uncomfortably dry. 

Dizziness and Headaches- This is not common, but some users have reported dizziness or headaches. Upping your fluid intake can counteract this possible side effect. 

Depression or Anxiety – Many people reporting these effects often already suffer from anxiety or depression. Also, some new users overdo it and take a high dose of THC. Too much THC can be disorienting for newbies. 

Lethargy or Euphoria – Use with caution if you are new to marijuana. If you are suffering from a lack of sleep, THC oil can help. It also can boost your mood if used responsibly. Using it at home is recommended for beginners. If you need to lie down, you can easily do so there.


Side Effects from THC Oil


In Conclusion

As you have learned, the health benefits of cannabis oil are numerous and there are so many applications for its use on the body and mind. Now that cannabis has been legalized, clinical research can take place and what we know about marijuana will actually be backed by large studies. You can buy THC Cannabis oil at your local cannabis dispensary or buy weed oil online in Canada and get same-day weed delivery to your door.

Take the time to learn about the best brands of THC oil and what your local dispensary offers. We recommend checking out Weed List if you want to buy THC cannabis oil in Vancouver. They carry an excellent selection of potent weed oil and other marijuana concentrates. You can also buy cannabis oil online in Canada at Weed Smart and have fun mixing and matching with other cannabis concentrates such as shatter.

If you’re not from BC and want to find out what the top-rated dispensaries are in Ontario, be sure to check out CannabisOntario for reliable information on all the best online dispensaries and weed delivery services in Ontario!



Cannabis Ontario. (2022, June 1). Find the best cannabis in Ontario. Available at:

Haven. (2019, April 24). Medical Cannabis: How To Use Cannabis Oil. Available at:

Morgan, Marshall. (2020, November 3). What is the difference between cannabis oil concentrates and extracts. MMJ Health. Available At:

Weed Delivery Vancouver. (2022, June 1). Same-Day Weed Delivery in Vancouver. Available at:

Weed List. (2022, June 1). Buy Weed Online in Canada. Available at:

WeedSmart. (2022, June 1). Canada’s Best Marijuana Dispensary | Online Dispensary Canada. Available at:

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