What is Cannabis? A Brief Overview Of Marijuana

What is Cannabis

Cannabis is one of Canada’s most widely used drugs, and with legalization, more and more people are trying it. The legalization of cannabis has brought many changes to the industry, including new platforms for online cannabis access. Many online cannabis dispensaries have emerged recently, offering new ways to purchase weed. 

If you’re planning to try marijuana for the first time, or are you just curious about what type of drug is Marijuana? And why you should try it; this guide will help put you on the right track.


So, What is Cannabis Sativa?

Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. The term “cannabis” does not refer to one specific cannabis plant but is used to refer to three distinct plants: Cannabis indica plant, Cannabis sativa plant and Cannabis ruderalis. The name comes from the plant’s Latin origins meaning “from cannabae,” which stems from the species name Cannabis sativa.

Marijuana use is becoming increasingly popular in today’s society, especially for medicinal purposes. It consists of many compounds that have been shown to help users adapt to daily stresses and treat various physical and mental illnesses. 

During moments of leisure, some prefer to consume marijuana by smoking it. Still, there are other ways to medicate with marijuana, including using topical patches or even taking edibles (more on ways to consume cannabis below).


Ways to Consume Cannabis 

Cannabis use is trending in recent years and people smoke marijuana more freely in Canada than ever before. The effects of cannabis for recreational and medicinal purposes is gaining steam as the health effects of cannabis are hard to ignore.

While weed consumption can be done in various ways, there are specific methods that appear to be particularly popular. For example, many users choose to smoke while some choose to “vape” instead, which refers to consuming concentrates through an electronic cigarette or similar device. 

Some prefer more natural methods like edibles or tinctures. 

Ways to Consume Cannabis

Some ways of consuming cannabis include:


Smoking Cannabis

Smoking weed is one of the oldest and most common ways to consume regular marijuana. It’s also one of the simplest, making it the easiest way to enjoy cannabis in any format or consistency.  

The act of smoking weed bypasses the body’s natural processes and goes directly into your bloodstream – allowing for a much quicker high than eating it would. 

While some may prefer to slow down their high with a tasty edible treat, smoking lets you get high instantly. 

Recreational and medical marijuana products you can smoke include cannabis flowers and marijuana extracts.


Vaping Cannabis

Smoking is the oldest way to use cannabis, but it has been in decline since the invention of vaping. Vaping is a more modern answer to the question of what kind of drug weed is. 

Vaping offers more benefits than smoking because there are so many different designs and sizes of weed vaporizers. They range from starter kits with rechargeable batteries to more professional models with versatile features and accessories like glass mouthpieces or three-in-one chargers.


Bongs & Pipes 

Bongs and pipes are two various ways to consume your cannabis. Bongs are available in several different materials, from metal to glass and even acrylic. Bongs generally have a broad base that narrows into a neck, while pipes remind one of long stems with small openings at each end – though some pipes do have expandable chambers too!


Other Consumable Forms of Cannabis

Some people smoke it; others use bongs and pipes to vaporize it. Others chew, sip or swallow it. Cannabis users can also eat it — as a brownie, cookie or candy— or take a shot of THC-infused alcohol like Vodka or Schnapps. These edible items are ideal for those who want to avoid marijuana smoke. 

The good news is that you have many options for getting your fix of cannabis in the comfort of your home.


What Does the Cannabis Plant Contain?

There are two primary components of the cannabis plant: THC and CBD. The primary difference between them is that CBD is non-intoxicating and non-euphoric, while THC is used as a psychoactive compound. CBD wouldn’t get you high, but THC would.

So if you are looking for a quick high, you should try the THC oil. If you want relaxation and a euphoric feeling, try CBD oil. The effects of both components differ significantly; hence, if your purpose is relaxation or getting high, feel free to choose whichever suits you better.


How Do You Feel After Smoking Cannabis?

Smoking weed is not only fun but also a pretty pleasant experience. You’ll feel alert, happy and calm. You’ll also be able to easily talk with your friends more freely after smoking some weed which is excellent if you’re a big fan of making conversations.

Cannabis can help you relax and calm down. Users report experiencing less anxiety when going through stressful situations. Marijuana also may help with mental health problems, sleep problems, to treat pain, and other health conditions. 

The best thing is that cannabis does not cause major drug abuse issues. However, cannabis dependence is a reality in some cases and there can be withdrawal symptoms for certain people who use marijuana. 


In Conclusion On Recreational and Medical Cannabis

Marijuana is among the most popular drugs in the US and Canada. People use it for a variety of reasons, including medicinal and recreational. Some people prefer smoking a joint, vaping, or using a bong, while others prefer taking capsules or eating edibles. 

Remember, just because you’re having fun doesn’t mean you should be having more! You don’t want to overdo it by increasing the amount you consume in one sitting. We recommend starting slow and gradually increasing your dosage until you find your sweet spot. 

At BC Weed Delivery, we are proud to deliver our premium products at reasonable prices, especially since we understand the importance of a positive customer experience. Our experts on staff will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have about marijuana, weed strains, and smoking equipment. 

You can even get same-day weed delivery services. Visit our website today to experience the BCWeedDelivery difference and see why we offer the best marijuana sources around like Weed List.

You can also get up-to date information about same-day weed delivery in Ontario and find the best Toronto weed delivery options. 



Government of British Columbia. (2019, December 13). Cannabis. Available at: https://cannabis.gov.bc.ca/

Highest Farmacy. (2022, August 6). #1 Same-Day Weed Delivery in Toronto. Available at: https://www.highestfarmacy.com/weed-delivery-toronto

Cannabis Ontario. (2022, August 6). Find the best Weed Delivery Services in Ontario. Available at: https://cannabisontario.net/deliveries/

HealthLink BC. (2018, October 10). Medical Cannabis. Available at: https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/medications/medical-cannabis

Weed List. (2022, August 6). Buy Cannabis Flowers Online in Canada. Available at: https://weedlist.org/product-category/cannabis-flower/

Borodovsky, Jacob t. (2017, October 1). Smoking, Vaping, Eating: Is Legalization Impacting the Way People Use Cannabis? US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5010515/

WebMB. (2020). CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference? Available at: https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/cbd-thc-difference#1

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