What is Weed Wax?

What is Weed Wax

Weed wax, also known as cannabis wax or simply “wax,” is a cannabis concentrate that has become increasingly popular in recent years. With its potent effects and potent aroma, weed wax has gained a reputation as one of the strongest and most versatile forms of marijuana concentrates.

But what exactly is weed wax, and what is smoking wax like? In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this sticky cannabis concentrate, from its origins to its effects and uses. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a curious newcomer, this article will provide you with the information you need to understand this fascinating form of marijuana.


What is Cannabis Wax?

Cannabis wax, also known as weed wax, THC wax or simply “wax,” is a highly concentrated form of the cannabis plant that is made by extracting the psychoactive compounds (such as THC) from marijuana leaves using a process that typically involves using a solvent, such as butane gas. The result is a sticky, wax-like substance that is typically yellow or brown in colour and has a soft, malleable texture.

Cannabis wax is prized for its potency, with THC levels that can reach upwards of 90%. This makes it one of the strongest forms of marijuana available, and its effects are often described as intense and long-lasting. The higher concentration of THC in weed wax also means that a very small amount can go a long way, making it a popular choice among those who want to maximize the effects of their marijuana.

You can consume wax in several different ways, including smoking, vaporizing, and dabbing. Dabbing is the most common method of consumption and involves heating the wax on a hot surface and then inhaling the vapours through water pipes or dab rigs.

Different Types of Weed Wax Products

Different Types of Weed Wax Products

There are several different types of weed wax products available, each with its own unique properties and characteristics.

Some of the most popular waxes include:


This is a hard, glass-like form of marijuana wax that is known for its transparency and snap-ability. Shatter is one of the most popular forms of weed wax and is often favoured for its potency and long-lasting effects.


This is a soft and crumbly form of cannabis wax that is known for its light and airy texture. Crumble is a versatile form of weed wax that is easy to handle and can be used in a variety of ways, including dabbing, vaporizing, and even mixing with dried marijuana leaves and other forms of marijuana.


This is a soft and creamy form of cannabis wax that is known for its smooth and velvety texture. Budder is easy to handle and is often favoured for its easy application and consistent effects.

Live Resin

This is a highly concentrated form of cannabis wax that is made using fresh marijuana plant matter that has been frozen immediately after harvesting. Live resin is known for its superior flavour profiles and potent effects and is often favoured by connoisseurs and those looking for a truly premium cannabis experience.


This is a combination of shatter and live resin that is known for its high potency and delicious flavour. Sauce is a newer form of weed wax that is gaining popularity for its unique properties and effects.

These are just a few of the many different types of weed wax products available. Each has its own unique properties and characteristics, and the best one for you will depend on your personal preferences and desired effects. Whether you’re looking for a strong and long-lasting high, or a smooth and velvety experience, there’s sure to be a weed wax product that’s perfect for you.


How is Weed Wax Made?

Weed wax is made by extracting psychoactive compounds (such as THC) from the marijuana plant using a solvent, such as butane hash oil.

The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Preparing the marijuana: The marijuana is typically ground up and packed into a container.
  • Adding the solvent: The solvent (such as in butane extraction) is added to the container, and it works to dissolve the THC and other psychoactive compounds from the plant material.
  • Straining: The resulting mixture is then strained to remove the plant material and any impurities.
  • Vacuum purging: The remaining liquid is then heated to evaporate the solvent and leave behind a concentrated form of psychoactive compounds.
  • Final product: The final product is a sticky, wax-like substance that has a high THC concentration and other psychoactive compounds.

It’s important to note that making cannabis concentrates such as weed wax can be a dangerous process due to the use of highly flammable solvents. Improper handling of these solvents (such as butane) can result in butane explosions and fires, and it is highly recommended to leave the process to professionals who have the knowledge and equipment necessary to safely make weed wax.

How to Take Marijuana Wax?

How to Take Marijuana Wax?

Marijuana wax can be consumed in several different ways, including smoke weed wax, vape wax, and dabbing. The most common method of consumption is dabbing, which involves heating the wax on and then inhaling the vapour through a water pipe or dab rig.

Here are the steps to take marijuana wax through dabbing:

  • Equipment: You will need a dab rig, which is a special type of water pipe specifically designed for dabbing, as well as a dab tool and a heat source, such as a blow torch or dab nail.
  • Heat the nail: Use the blow torch or electronic nail to heat the nail to the desired temperature, typically between 300 and 600 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Apply the wax: Use the dab tool to place a small amount of the wax onto the hot nail.
  • Inhale the vapour: As the wax vaporizes, inhale the vapour through the mouthpiece of the dab rig. Hold the vapour in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling.
  • Repeat as desired: Repeat the process as desired, adjusting the temperature and amount of wax as needed to achieve the desired effects.

It’s important to note that dabbing can be a more intense experience than smoking, as the concentration of THC in weed wax is much higher. Beginners should start with a small amount and gradually increase as they become more comfortable with the process.

It’s also important to use caution when handling the hot nail and butane torch, as well as to follow proper safety precautions when using the dab rig or knife dab. Additionally, it’s important to use a high-quality, lab-tested weed wax product to ensure that you are consuming a safe and reliable product.


Where to Buy Weed Wax Online in Canada?

Buy high-quality wax online in Canada at BC Weed Delivery. BC Weed Delivery is a premium dispensary that has a wide variety of products to choose from. Our online dispensary listing site offers a wide selection of edibles, concentrates, and other cannabis products at affordable prices. We have a reputation for providing quality products at reasonable prices! You can find some of the best weed delivery websites. You can buy budder online in Vancouver and any other city in BC. 



Currin, Grant. (2020, September 10). How does cannabis get you high? Live Science. Available At: https://www.livescience.com/how-cannabis-high-works.html

Atlantic Cannabis (2023, March 5). Find Reliable Marijuana Delivery Services in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and PEI. Available at: https://atlanticcannabis.net/deliveries/

Testai, F. D., et al. (2022. February 10). Use of Marijuana: Effect on Brain Health: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. AHA Journals. Available at: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/STR.0000000000000396

Daily Edibles Delivery. (2023, March 5). Enjoy the Best Deals On Same-Day Budder Delivery in Vancouver. Available at: https://dailyedibles.io/product-category/concentrates/budder/

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